
life (with) science



Gene-edited babies and science credibility, part two

At the end of November 2018, the first two gene-edited babies were born in China as part of an undisclosed research project. The communication strategy used by the author challenges the way science regulate itself. Are we entering an era... Continue Reading →

Gene-edited babies and science credibility, part one

A Chinese scientist has revealed that the first two gene-edited babies are born in China as part of a questionable research project. This poses a threat to the scientific community’s credibility. Can science still regulate itself? And what are the... Continue Reading →

A laboratory in the garage

A revolution might be ongoing in science. And it promises to democratise research and make it accessible to everyone.  - Go directly to the full article here - Biohacking, also known as do-it-yourself (DIY) biology, is a revolutionary movement with the potential... Continue Reading →

CRISPR gene-edited cells enter the human body

For the first time, a patient has been injected with CRISPR gene-edited cells. This is just another step towards a revolutionary new era for medicine. Once again, the news comes from China. On October 28, a Chinese team was the first... Continue Reading →

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